Zero or Die?

Zero or Die?

eskaze FM

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Saturday, 12 February 2011

babi yang bersyukur. (renung kan lah)

Dari manuscript lama yang tercatat di atas kulit
kambing yang dijumpai berkurun masihi di sebuah
negara "middle east". Orang yang menulis tidak
dapat dikesan. Ini adalah sesuatu yang harus
direnung dan difikirkan bersama bukan setakat
baca dan lupakan, harap kita semua dapat
mengelakkan diri kita terjatuh dalam golongan
seperti dalam manusript di bawah. Amin
Seorang Nasrani berkata, "Saya amat bersyukur
kepada Allah walaupun saya dilahirkan dalam
bangsa Nasrani. Ini kerana saya lebih mulia dari
bangsa Majusi."
Seorang Majusi pula berkata, "Saya juga berasa
amat bersyukur kepada Allah walaupun saya
dilahirkan dalam bangsa Majusi. Ini kerana saya
lebih mulia dari orang kafir."
(cuba kita meneliti dua perbualan di atas, kita
dapati, kedua-dua kafir tidak mengaku mereka kafir
dan mereka saling bandingkan dengan orang
kafir... cuba kita lihat pula apa orang kafir kata...)
Seorang kafir pula berkata, "Saya juga rasa
bersyukur kepada Allah walaupun saya dilahirkan
kafir. Ini kerana kafir lebih mulia dari dilahirkan
sebagai anjing."
Anjing pula berkata, "Saya juga bersyukur kepada
Allah walaupun saya dilahirkan sebagai anjing. Ini
kerana anjing lebih mulia dari dilahirkan sebagai
(mari kita teka apa kah kesudahan perbualan ini,
dan cuba kita teka apakah yang babi akan kata dan
siapakah yang babi akan bandingkan dengan dia...)
Babi pula berkata, "Saya juga bersyukur kepada
Allah walaupun saya dilahirkan sebagai seekor
babi. Ini kerana saya lebih mulia dari manusia yang
tidak solat."
Ini adalah sebuah manuscript yang memberi
kesedaran kepada umat Islam yang masih tidur
dan juga umat yang selalu membandingkan diri
mereka dengan insan yang lebih buruk dan lemah
dari mereka.
Jika ini berterusan, umat Islam tidak akan maju.
Tercatat di dalam Al-Quran, bahawa umat islam
yang meninggalkan solatnya akan menjadi
semakin banyak dan lumrah pada akhir zaman...
adakah ini akan berlaku atau sedang berlaku atau
telah berlaku?

Friday, 11 February 2011

BREAK: Interview / Behind The Scenes.

Monday, 24 January 2011

murid VS cikgu. (MIRI)

Saturday, 22 January 2011

Syeera Sanders - Masih.

C Am
kau adalah milikku, tapi itu dulu

aku telah pergi meninggalkan dirimu
C Am
kerna aku tak tahan dengan sikapmu

F G C Dm
yang tak pernah memikirkan rasa di dadaku

tapi kini ku sadar

Am Am Dm
aku masih perlukanmu

aku sesal akan semua

Dm G
kini aku berharap

C Am Dm
kau bisa kembali padaku

C Dm
memang aku yang bersalah

dalam percintaan kita

Am Dm
oh kau, kekasih hatiku

G Am
maafkanlah aku

ku tahu ku yang bersalah

dalam percintaan kita

Am Dm
oh kau, kekasih hatiku

maafkan aku atas semua

Dm G C Am Dm G C


Seria, Tuesday, January 18, 2011, 4:33:16 PM

picture taken from HERE!



Friday, 21 January 2011

Counter strike 1.6 Non Steam Cheat Fighter FX 7.2

This is just a demonstration of Fighter FX 7.2
and if you want 2 download it heres is the link:

download Cheat Fighter FX 7.2 here

it is really good sorry about the ban I knew they were
going 2 ban me but in a day they unban me xDD
thay are good 2 me lol xDD WORK SLAVES WORK!

Monday, 17 January 2011


just created a new email MSN! add me!


confirm ramai yang tanya ne apa erti "eskazevom". haha. eskaze = ElShamKAmikaZE. hehehe.

"VOM" is a shortform of "Volcom" lol -.-'

Sunday, 16 January 2011

Zombie Leads To Car Crash.

Basic Info About Zombie Leads To Car Crash.

Genre:progressive post-hardcore Members:on Vocal: Wady
on Guitar: Fred
on Guitar: Zack
on Bass and Backup Vocal: Putera
on Drum: Bahrul

BOOKING: or Belait, BruneiRecord Label:unsigned

Current Location:Kuala Belait



Contact ZLTCC fanpage at


Brunei Justin Bieber

I'm sure many of you in here already watch this video is you haven't then sayang lah you! This video share widely in the FB today and but too bad the unloader only share with her friends. Wait one day maybe she will post in the YT then by that time I can share with you all. Actually I can just Pirate Copy out this video but still this is not my video I think I should do it. Anyway I hope that Nikki.C can post this video asap in the YT so can sharing this young boy's talents to all the Brunei's friends

Ok so what is this video about?
This boy I gonna say I have to solute him and he is so brave. Dance in front one of the shop at The Mall.
The shop playing the Justin Biber's song 'Baby' and he started dance like nobody. He proud to perform to all the shopper who walking by.... So cuta lag this boy and then at the end he still giving the Space sign and give a bow again....heheh so cute. I really hope this video can post YT soon so I can share you all!!!

Update 31/12/10: So now the camera man had already upload the video at YT 2 days ago. Now you can see how cute is the boy is

Uncivilized or what ?

I hate to see this kind of message that people put on their car rear windscreen. I mad is not because it say to me, Is because I feel like they making embarrassing we people here; throwing our faces!!! I totally don't even think this is COOL and not even a single cents is funny! What the hell is this guy thinking! Don't he feel ashamed for himself? I wondering does he mean this is FREEDOM of SPEECH?
What if some tourism saw this car going around at the capital....? Malu man.
Too bad I'm not a comic's Super Hero, if not I'm sure pull him over and and ask him to take it out!!!
I feel this message is full of Hate and same thing to the person. If we see this guy next time and make sure please give him a Big Hug and tell him the whole world is still full of love there!!! - TigerLim

SINOPSIS "KHURAFAT-Perjanjian Syaitan" - Filem "KHURAFAT-Perjanjian Syaitan" - OFFICIAL TRAILER

“KHURAFAT-Perjanjian Syaitan” mengisahkan perjanjian terlarang, persekongkolan antara manusia & syaitan.Satu bentuk penyelewengan yang nyata dalam Aqidah Islam dan amat ditegah dalam Agama.Manusia, disogok dengan nafsu serakah dan dendam membara, tanpa mengira akibat dan bahana, rela membelakangkan Allah untuk memperoleh apa yang dicita walau dengan apa cara, akhirnya hanyut dengan bisikan dan tipu daya syaitan durjana.

Kisah bermula dengan Johan, seorang pemuda yang berkerja sebagai Pembantu Perubatan di sebuah hospital kerajaan. Dia sudah berkahwin dan mempunyai seorang isteri bernama Ayshah. Seawalnya pasangan ini hidup aman & bahagia, namun tanpa disangka ujian melanda di pertengahan jalan, kesan daripada ‘gangguan misteri’ yang berterusan.

Dalam pada masa gangguan-gangguan itu, hadir pula seorang perempuan tua yang tidak Johan kenali namun sering menyapa dan cuba mendekati Johan sewaktu di tempat kerja. Tanda tanya dan trauma yang melanda Johan & Ayshah tidak habis di sana, malah ditambah dengan munculnya bekas teman wanita Johan yang bernama Anna.Walaupun setelah mengetahui Johan sudah berumah tangga dan bergelar suami yang sah pada Ayshah, Anna masih terus mengganggu dan merayu untuk menerimanya semula. Ini menyebabkan Johan bertambah runsing dan bertekad untuk mempertahankan rumah tangganya dengan segala daya.

Tidak lama setelah berkali-kali ditolak cintanya, Anna ditemui mati;bunuh diri. Kematian Anna adalah kemuncak bagi segala siri kejadian misteri yang berlaku dalam hidup Johan & Ayshah.

Apa yang menghantui dan menggangu Johan & Ayshah sebenarnya? Adakah ini semua hanya halusinasi dan gangguan minda mereka atau adakah ini semua merupakan petanda-petanda bagi merungkai jawapan bagi semua persoalan mereka?

Segalanya akan terjawab bila anda menyaksikan “KHURAFAT-Perjanjian Syaitan” yang akan ditayangkan serentak di pawagam seluruh Malaysia pada Januari 2011.

“Dan janganlah engkau menyembah atau memuja yang lain dari Allah, yang tidak dapat mendatangkan manfaat kepadamu dan juga tidak dapat mendapatkan mudharat kepadamu. Sekiranya engkau mengerjakan yang demikian maka jadilah engkau orang-orang yang berlaku zalim (terhadap diri sendiri dengan perbuatan syirik itu)" (Surah Yunus:106)

Allahu wa'lam.

P/S : Trailer penuh akan ditayangkan seawal bulan Oktober.

Filem "KHURAFAT-Perjanjian Syaitan" - OFFICIAL TRAILER

Wednesday, 12 January 2011

Facebook Social Networking Website Is Not Shutting Down On The 15th March

There are loads of news regarding Facebook, the world’s largest social networking website shutting down on the 15th of March, but the truth is that it is not. It’s one of the misleading rumours which has been published on the web, just to gain attention. This is the first time Facebook has been enlisted in the rumours category on the web, and it is really sad that a web industry like Facebook, today is facing such sort of mischief.

The rumour states, the youngest billionaire and owner of Facebook, Mark Zuckerberg wants to get back to his old life by just putting an end to this madness. CNN has personally asked Mark via an email whether this news contains any authenticity, and he answered no, and asked the media to bring an end to this rumour.

There is completely no sense here, as why should Facebook shut down especially after various companies have promised billions of dollars worth investment in the website. The news is completely baseless and the company should be concerned about this

Saturday, 8 January 2011


PALO ALTO, CA –Mark Zuckerberg announced that Facebook will be shut down in March. Managing the site has become too stressful.

“Facebook has gotten out of control,” said Zuckerberg in a press conference outside his Palo Alto office, “and the stress of managing this company has ruined my life. I need to put an end to all the madness.”

Zuckerberg went on to explain that starting March 15th, users will no longer be able to access their Facebook accounts.

“After March 15th the whole website shuts down,” said Avrat Humarthi, Vice President of Technical Affairs at Facebook. “So if you ever want to see your pictures again, I recommend you take them off the internet. You won’t be able to get them back once Facebook goes out of business.”

Zuckerberg said that the decision to shut down Facebook was difficult, but that he does not think people will be upset.

“I personally don’t think it’s a big deal,” he said in a private phone interview. “And to be honest, I think it’s for the better. Without Facebook, people will have to go outside and make real friends. That’s always a good thing.”

Some Facebook users were furious upon hearing the shocking news.

“What am I going to do without Facebook?” said Denise Bradshaw, a high school student from Indiana. “My life revolves around it. I’m on Facebook at least 10 hours a day. Now what am I going to do with all that free time?”

However, parents across the country have been experiencing a long anticipated sense of relief.

“I’m glad the Facebook nightmare is over,” said Jon Guttari, a single parent from Detroit. “Now my teenager’s face won’t be glued to a computer screen all day. Maybe I can even have a conversation with her.”

Those in the financial circuit are criticizing Zuckerberg for walking away from a multibillion dollar franchise. Facebook is currently ranked as one of the wealthiest businesses in the world, with economists estimating its value at around 7.9 billion.

But Zuckerberg remains unruffled by these accusations. He says he will stand by his decision to give Facebook the axe.

“I don’t care about the money,” said Zuckerberg. “I just want my old life back.”

The Facebook Corporation suggests that users remove all of their personal information from the website before March 15th. After that date, all photos, notes, links, and videos will be permanently erased.

Tuesday, 4 January 2011


Some of you may know my 'The Jo & Jul Show' (2009) which includes only 2 episodes and some of you may not. Well, for those who don't here is a link. Episode 1 & Episode 2. Its a 10-minute short film comedy which was suppose to be an ongoing entertainment. It didn't work out but it DID make a huge impact during the days on the local scenes. I was indeed proud with the response and support until one of them had to go abroad studies and show is canceled.

I've always wanted to make a drama of my own. But here? In Brunei? With my brain? Put both together and It'll never happen. Why? MIB.......(Melayu Islam Beraja). There's just so much errors. I know this cos I've once worked ina production in a very short period. Also picked out lots of infos from friends in the media field.

To me, filmmaking is not only a hobby, its my career. It's my job and its entertainment. Also, every short film I do is actually an experiment. I'm trying out different things, cameras, concepts, ideas etc. 'The Jo & Jul Show' was actually an experiment on whether I could get audience/viewers to enjoy a good laugh. It worked. And the idea was purposely to create characters that relates in the local scenes by adding some style. Such as episode 1 'The One With The Race' is basically about a self-centered person who cares only for himself. Secondly, never judge a fat guy that he'll lose in a race. - ADAM GROVES

'Break' is actually short for 'BreakTime' OR 'Recess as in, in school. Should notice the school uniform from the photos. The idea came to me one day that I wanted to try something with fighting. I've never done one before. Its pretty challenging because on the first day, I had to to direct the 2 actors to fight. Not that I know but by experiencing from movies I've watched. Every punch/kick are according to steps. We had to create the steps by making a partision then joining them up in post. It was hard I tell you. As for scripts, I decided to do this one in Malay. Brunei, Malay. Not standard. I hate it. I never liked the Brunei dramas where they write standard malay. Seriously, anybody around you talk standard? No right? They talk normal with the 'Ani...', 'Atu...', 'Awu...', 'Inda...'. So thats how I want them to speak, according to my scripts. I think its just way better an original.

The actors I've chose are not professionals. They are hand-picked to match the description on the character I've created. But everyone learns, and they'll get better and better once they've experience this. I've decided to shoot this with my Canon 7D as it is easy to carry around. Not mentioning how hard it was shooting 'The Jo & Jul Show' carrying the huge cam around and people can get nosey during a shoot. DSLRs are way easier to hide if you know what I mean. Even got the chance to test out the Rode mics out in the open field and the sound pickup on distance are brilliant.

Why 'Episode 0'? Because its my first pilot and introducing the actors before the actual story starts. Not that I've any idea what'll happen. There's just too many ideas I'm deciding at the moment. As for now, I've finish 3minutes of the short film. Got another 7minutes to shoot. Not sure how to do this with all the fasting this month. (Ramadhan). In fact, I've learn from my mistakes. May not release episode 0 until I've completed at least 1 more.

3 Students Nabbed For Burglary, Theft

Suspects stole six laptops from school

Bandar Seri Begawan - Three teenagers between the ages of 16 and 19 years and still schooling were arrested by the Royal Brunei Police Force in connection with a case of burglary, theft as well as for vandalising private property that took, place sometime in December 2010.

The trio was detained at one of the suspects' houses on January 2, 2011 by the Sungai Liang Police personnel thanks to a public tip-off.

Six Apple laptops, a Panasonic projector and a Dell monitor were found by the police at the suspect's house.

It is believed the items were stolen from Pengiran Anak Puteri Hajah Rashidah Sa'adatul Bolkiah Secondary School in Kg Lumut, Belait in December 2010.

The suspects will be charged under Chapter 380/42 under the penal code with burglary, theft and also vandalising property.

In connection with the case, the police have advised the public to be wary and not to buy items that come at unbeatable prices and don't be tempted with any offer.

The police also stressed that residents must make sure their doors are secured and windows are shut tight before they leave their houses. -- Courtesy of Borneo Bulletin