Zero or Die?

Zero or Die?

eskaze FM

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Friday, 17 December 2010

it's only a rumour

Did you know the rumours have been wondering around for quite sometime? And everyone keep asking on Twitter and other social networks if it's true or just a rumour. Today's article on the front page created a lot of commotion among the public and FB users. Apparently what was quoted "where AITI decline to comment on the banning of Facebook" in BB today was a misrepresentation of Aiti as the comment was not even official.

I had a call from a reliable source to clarify the matter early afternoon. Hence, the "decline to comment on the banning of Facebook" is irrelevant and doesn't represent AITI's response to the said matter. I have been receiving lots of querries to this situation but after releasing the "good breaking news" on FB and Twitter but rest assured that there's no such policy to do ban Facebook to start off with.

I shall get the full press release once I have the email and post it up to share with you guys. As for now, you can continue updating your status or poke on someone :p